Answer:a. This study involved comparison of two populations. What were the populations?
1) Pregnant women who took the drug.
2)Pregnant women who didn't take the drug.
b. Do you suppose the data were obtained in a survey or experiment?
- Survey
C.Provide a descriptive statistic that could be used to estimate the number of women out of 1000 in this population who have tissue abnormalities.
-out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
D. remember that women whose mothers took the drug were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities.)
___ out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
e. Medical sudies often use a relatively large sample (in this case 3980). Why?
medical studies often use a relatively large sample (in this case, 3980) because disease occurrences can be rare and difficult to observe when only isolated populations are considered.
Heart attacks happen suddenly when one of the arteries leading to the heart becomes blocked and cuts off the blood flow. Without oxygen, the heart muscles start to die.
Heart failure, on the other hand, usually develops gradually. The heart muscle becomes weaker and has trouble pumping blood to nourish the cells in your body. This is a chronic condition that gradually gets worse. But medications can help you live longer and better with it
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"My child will be asked to stand upright, arms stretched above the head."
The adolescent client should be leaning forward at the waist with arms hanging down; upright with arms stretched above the head would not allow proper screening.