INPUT "Enter the first number"; a
INPUT "Enter the second number"; b
m = a
n = b
WHILE a <> 0
r = b MOD a
b = a
a = r
l = (m * n) / b
PRINT "HCF is "; b
PRINT "LCM is "; l
Answer: Please see below as the answer is self-explanatory.
When it is said that monitors today have a small footprint, it means that monitors occupy less physical space that they used to occupy in the past, due to continue improvement in the resolution and video compression schemes quality.
Also, manufacturing technologies improvement allows to reduce the physical size of the hardware indeed, making them flatter every day.
Some 20 years ago, good quality monitors were about 23", when nowadays a good monitor can have only 15" screen size, added to the fact that those were bulky CRT monitors, while last generation ones are LCD or LED flat-screen based.
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing involves selling of products and services directly to consumers, in this type of marketing retailers are not used and orders can be taken through phone calls or electronic mails. It is therefore a measurable system of marketing and consumers response/purchases can be easily recorded to a database.