Your reading above gets my article completely backwards. The research shows that women who work outside the home have LOWER rates of depression than those who do not, even when we control for other factors, like pre-existing health problems that might make some women less likely to work. Someone needs a better fact checker or copy-editor!
Go to school, be part of the community, get a job with old enough ,take state test
procedural and declarative.
- The declarative knowledge is the knowledge that is about the facts and things and procedural is about the knowledge about how to perform the certain cognitive activity such as the reasoning and decision making.
Answer:C. Co-offending
Co-offending refers to a crime which is commited by more than one person it can also be referred to as group crime.
Youth are usually prone to conform to peer pressure especially because there is a yearning to fit in.
Most youth don't commit crime because it was their idea but due to the fact that someone suggested it and they didn't want to be left out or be rejected by the group or be seen as boring,they end up doing it; leading to high situations of co-offending.