The resolving power of the earliest electron microscopes was at least ten times higher than that of the light microscopes, mainly because the wavelength of electrons is much shorter than the wavelength of light.
The electron microscope uses a beam of accelerated electrons to magnify the object whereas the light microscope uses visible light for this purpose. Unlike the light microscope, the electron microscope uses electromagnets as lenses.
The magnification of the electron microscope is much higher as compared to the light microscope and it produces high-resolution images. However, the Specimen preparation of an electron microscope takes several days while the Specimen preparation of the light microscope takes only a few minutes.
If you need to learn more about electron microscopes, click here
A compass
The Earth's magnetic field, provided by the magnet in a compass, shows the direction of the north and south poles.
The plasma membrane, because it's a selective permeable which means it only allows certain things in like sucrose.
The type of deafness that is present if the bone conducted sound is heard longer than the air conducted sound is CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS.
Conductive hearing loss refers to the situation where there is a problem conducting sound waves anywhere along the route through the outer ear to the ear drum and the tiny bones of the middle ear.
Primary succession is one type of the ecological succession which takes place on the land devoid of vegetation or barren land.
The species which first flourishes on this barren land are known as pioneer species which includes the species of bryophytes and pteridophytes like lichens and mosses.
These lichens and mosses help breakdown the barren rocks through chemical leaching and help increase the nutrient content. This allows the ferns and small pteridophytes to grow.
Then the area is colonized by the intermediate species which includes herbs, shrubs later trees. These intermediate species help attract the animals and thus help establish the biological community.
Thus, Lichens mosses → herbs→ shrubs →trees.