According to the model, the "villi" of small intestines is being damaged as an impact of celiac disease. Small intestines are responsible for absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, this occurs through villi, in case of damaged villi absorption is interfered, thus disturbing the digestive system. If the nutrients, minerals or vitamins are not being absorbed well by small intestines then they will be excreted out of the body and will not be transported to the blood and other areas, this would result in deficiency of minerals and vitamins in blood that cause weakness.
Permanent slides ensures preservation of the body parts of the tiny aquatic animals and also also aids good visualization.Most of the exoskeleton of these tiny animals are lost during temporary slides preparation, thus loss of visualization.
Because the animals are transfixed to a point, their body parts can not be moved.
It also saves time, energy and resources spent during observation.
However,because of dehydration during preparation their natural color may be lost which may affect observation of natural features
The chromosome must be duplicated before mitosis.
Mitosis is where a parent cell divides and produces 2 genetically indentical daughters cells. This process first requires the parent call to duplicate all of its genetic material. This ensures that the daughters cells are genetically identical to the parent cell and also the other daughter cell.
This is important because mitosis is used in many cases in living things such as growth, repair, and more. This ensures us for example not suddenly changed to another organism or another characteristic.
Además de la argiria y la argirosis, la exposición a compuestos de plata solubles puede producir otros efectos tóxicos, como daño hepático y renal, irritación de los ojos, piel, tracto respiratorio e intestinal y cambios en las células sanguíneas. La plata metálica parece representar un riesgo mínimo para la salud.
espero que esto ayude