The right answer is : CDs earn a higher interest rate than other saving accounts.
The “Flash-To-Bang” theory measures the time from when you see lightning to the time you hear the associated thunder. A measure of 5 seconds from Flash-To-Bang means lightning is one mile (1.6km) away. Ten seconds equals 2 miles (3.2km); 15 seconds equals 3 miles(4.8km).
Light travels faster than sound, so lightning will be seen before hearing it (the thunder is the sound of the lightning strike).
The speed of sound travels at around 340m/s, multiplied by 3 is about 1kilometer. So the number of seconds divided by 3 is how many kilometers away the lightning struck is.
The number of miles away a thunder struck is, can be calculated by dividing the seconds by 5.
non-participant observation research method
In non-participant observation studies, Greg is not part of the group being studied. He decides in advance precisely what kind of behaviour is relevant to the study and can be realistically and ethically observed. He observes the way students talk to each other. He makes notes on the words used, the atmosphere of the school and the way the students present themselves to each other.The observation can be carried out in a few different ways. Observation does not only include noting what happened or was said but also the fact that a specific behaviour did not occur at the time of observation.
<span>Seleccionar un problema de investigación. Formulación de hipótesis. Variables de interés. Seleccionar niveles de una variable independiente. Seleccionar una variable dependiente .... dos o más teorías. El interés del investigador puede no tener nada que ver con la solución de un problema psicológico o sociológico existente. Como se discutió en el anterior</span>