The Franco Prussian war was the final stage in the German unification. now the nationalistic fever also seized people in southern Germany. they finally accepted Prussian leadership. the Congress of Vienna established five great powers in Europe Brittan France Austria Prussia and Russia.
Peers influence
Peer pressure refers to the pressure one experience in the company of his or her peers, which alters his behavior. It refers to the change in the attitude or values of an individual in accordance with the influencing group. From the researches, it is proven that cognitive immaturity in adolescence led them to be influenced more by individuals or groups. And in order to fit in, they are more prone to negative effects like drugs, alcohol, etc.
The government of the Republic of Kenya is composed of three branches: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. It is a multi-party, democratic state. The power is held on two levels: the national level and the county level.
Kenya is a representative democracy in terms of its legislature, and a direct democracy in terms of their president. The president is the leader of the executive branch. The legislative branch is composed of the National Assembly and the Senate, while the judiciary includes the Superior Courts and the Subordinate Courts.
The current President of Kenya is Uhuru Kenyatta, son of Jomo Kenyatta (first president of Kenya) and party leader of the Jubilee Party of Kenya.
Group building and maintenance roles are those related to the functioning of a group as a an actual group. Their main purpose is to alter or maintain how the group works, and these roles are are referred to as group/team building or maintenance roles: they help build a group-centered identity. Out of the following, encourager, follower and gatekeeper are group building and maintenance roles.
Encourager: its main function is to be the group or team’s cheerleader. An encourager stimulates people to come up with new ideas, and then compliments the group or team members on the ideas they were able to generate. They foster an environment where any kind of ideas and suggestions are welcomed.
Follower: followers are individuals who try not to jeopardize the harmony the group. They are often passive, limiting their role to just observing the group’s decision processes and serving as an audience for said process during group discussions.
Gatekeeper: gatekeepers ensure that every participants is able to be freely and openly involved in the group’s decision-making. Gatekeepers usually encourage people who are have lost the point in a discussion to finally arrive at their decision, and encourage those who are more reticent to voice their opinions to participate in the decision-making process.
C. as both labor and capital are increased, output increases at a decreasing rate