Because she is stuck in the costume.
A household needs women to work to support it
How did the barbarians take over Rome?<span>It was upon Rome and the Western Empire that the full force of the barbarianonslaught fell. [3] First came the Goths. These were Teutons or Germans, and were divided into two tribes, the Visigoths or west Goths, and the Ostrogoths or east Goths.</span>
Answer: Entry into a total institution.
Explanation: Resocialization is the process by which an individual's sense of social values, norms and beliefs are changed and this may sometimes require extreme measures. Erving Goffman defined resocialization as a process of tearing down and rebuilding an individual's role and socially constructed sense of self. This process usually takes place in a total institution.
A total institution is a place or system where a number of people in similar situations who are cut off from the wider community for a considerable time lead an enclosed, formal and structured type of life. Examples of total institutions include prisons, fraternity houses, cults and military boot camp.
The process starts by eroding the individuals' identities and independence before being re-engineered or resocialised.