We are expected to fill in the blanks. Find the missing words below:
- 1. In a traditional wedding, the person performing the ceremony is often wordy, while the bride and groom are very, <u>concise </u>saying just "I do."
- 2. When he saw no way to <u>avert</u> the plane crash, the pilot parachuted to safety.
- 3. People often take <u>drastic</u> steps in anger and later regret their extreme actions.
- 4. The drummer told interesting <u>anecdotes</u> about famous rock singers he had played with.
- 5. Because Frank seems so <u>candid</u>, everyone believes him even when he tells a lie.
- 6. In most American schools, it is not<u> appropriate</u> for students to call their teachers by their first names.
- 7. When the real murderer confessed, the police had to <u>acknowledge </u>that the wrong man had been jailed.
- 8. To earn money for college, Lonnie felt he had to either join the army or get a job. He didn't like either<u> alternative.</u>
- 9. A couple of older boys tried to <u>compel </u>some first-graders to hand over their lunch money.
- 10. Any player who does not <u>comply</u> with the rules will be dropped from the team.
To choose the best word that completes a sentence, the context of the sentence provides a vital hint. For example in Sentence 8 where two things are being compared, 'alternative' is the best word because it means one of two or more things.
In sentence 9 also, we can deduce that the first-graders were being bullied. So they were being compelled or forced to do something they did not want.
When this reasoning is followed, we can complete the remaining blanks.
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"weary of the 'Negro Question'" and "'sick of carpet-bag' government." are related to the same political, social end economical event that happened in the USA after the end of the Civil War: The Reconstruction era. Congressional Reconstruction included the stipulation that to reenter the Union, former Confederate states had to ratify the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Congress also passed the Military Reconstruction Act, which attempted to protect the voting rights and civil rights of African Americans. Former Confederates resented the new state constitutions because of their provisions allowing for black voting and civil rights, where we can explain the "weary of the 'Negro Question'". Carpetbaggers were northerners who allegedly rushed South with all their belongings in carpetbags to grab the political spoils were more often than not Union veterans who had arrived as early as 1865 or 1866, drawn South by the hope of economic opportunity and other attractions that many of them had seen in their Union service. Many other so-called carpetbaggers were teachers, social workers, or preachers animated by a sincere missionary impulse.