According to this theory, everything, which happens in the mind, is the result of the events in the body. Thus, it denies the independent existence of mind. For the materialist, mental states like pains, beliefs, desires, etc. are fundamentally physical states.
The mona lisa was a pice of artwork by lionardo davinchi. the mona lisa is one of the most valuable pice of artwork in the is worth nearly $800 million today
it is the most written about ,sung about,and most visited artwork.
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How is the music of southeast Asian country relating to its geography and culture?
The music of Southeast Asia reflects different aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form and style. 5. Activity: Group workMake a report/collage for eachSoutheast Asian country usingpictures of fabrics, art work,architecture and other aspects ofculture. Relate how these aspectsof culture are influenced