I'm not a fan of any. I live in the south. I like Country Music.
You could draw a picture through God's eyes of him creating the earth. You could show him with clay on the table and tools to the side. Do you get the art in that? Because when some sees it, it will look like farm work, but something came out beautiful.
1. Participating in an exhibition will enable you to market your brand to a broader crowd and make them aware of your product and service. According to the type of industry, exhibitors can carry out shows and gain business or general feedback about their offering before they release it to the general public. 2. An exhibition is a creative act, and focus and constraints gives it strength. Memorable exhibitions are those where the list of what is not shown is as important as what is shown. A good creative brief should include what the project will not be.
La imagen es la representación de algo por cualquier medio, foto, pintura, o solo mentalizándola... Mientras que una foto es una representación grafica (imagen) de algo real, obtenida mediante algún proceso químico con ayuda de la luz.