Answer: A; X coefficient
Explanation: Hope I helped out !
Ps. it would mean a lot if you marked brainliest
for (char outerChar='a'; outerChar<='e'; outerChar++){
for (char innerChar='a'; innerChar<='e'; innerChar++){
cout << outerChar << innerChar << "\n";
cubeVolume = toThePowerOf(cubeSide, 3);
The line above accomplishes the task of calling the function toThePowerOf(). We are told in the question that the method accepts two int parameters these integer parameters are given as cubeSide and 3. They are passed as arguments when the method is called. The result of the function's computation is then assigned/stored to the the variable cubeVolume.
Click in the Criteria row in the InsuranceType column and type [Enter Insurance Type]. Click the Run button. Type dental when prompted. Click OK.
You should change the font of that specific word to another colour. And you can also make it bold and italic. Furthermore, you may even italicize it and make the font larger.
Hope it helps :)