The P wave indicates atrial depolarization. The P wave occurs when the sinus node, also known as the sinoatrial node, creates an action potential that depolarizes the atria.
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The healthcare provider prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema for a client. The outcome that the nurse identified for the client will be to remove hardened fecal impactions from the rectum.
Enemas are injections of fluids used to wash or excite the depletion of your bowel. This process has been secondhand for ages to treat muscle spasms and identical issues. Constipation is a harsh condition that slows unhappy the drive of your seat. It also forms the seat hard and troublesome to discharge.
The purpose of a washing introduction into the bloodstream search to kindly flush out the colon. It may be urged superior to a colonoscopy or a different health examination. Enema risks contain a breach of the rectum, that demands a section to repair and likely damage to the interior. Furthermore, the “washing” not enough of the rectum and intestine can obstruct your crowd's common incorporation of minerals and fluids, superior to synthetic imbalances.
To know more about Enema refer to: