This is an example of outsourcing, which is when domestic jobs are sent to countries overseas to take advantage of the lower costs.
Option "C" is the correct answer to the following situation.
Stimulus Response Selling
Stimulus-Response Strategy- A marketing strategy that depends on the salesperson's freedom to say the right thing stimuli to get a favorable response from the buyer's answer, also referred to as the Canned Method because a template is widely used.
Marie uses a combination of statements and questions when trying to sell goods to potential buyers and tries to construct statements and questions so that the prospective buyer can receive beneficial responses.
D. Tim consumes more hamburgers and fewer hot dogs.
For his utility to remain constant, Tim will neither consume more goods in total, nor spend more money than before.
Therefore, because the price of hot dogs has risen, while the price of hamburger has remained the same, he will now buy more hamburgers and less hot dogs, because eating more hamburgers and less hot dogs will not decrease his satisfaction, it will remain the same. We can also conclude from that both fast food products are perfect substitutes for Tim.
A cost-benefit analysis involves subtracting the sum of all the business costs from the business benefits.
Business is the act of exchanging goods and services for commercial purposes. The main aim of conducting a business for most people is to increase sales and make profit. In order to do this, there are business decisions that go into the running of business that determine how the business will perform. Most of these decisions if taken into account can lead to overall business success. There are different methods in economics that can aid a business person to make a decision, however, in this case we will consider the cost-benefit analysis as a tool of economics that can be used to make business decisions.
As indicated above, a cost-benefit analysis is a method that businesses often use to arrive at decisions. The analysis is done by first assigning monetary units to all the activities and processes that will go into the business. The total costs are then calculated from all the expenditures that will be incurred in the business. The benefits are then calculated from all the revenue expected to be got from the business. The costs are then subtracted from the benefits. The result can be either zero, negative or positive. A zero result implies that the business will break-even, there will be no losses or profits. A negative value implies that the business will go to a loss thus not advisable to venture in it. A positive result shows that the business will be profitable therefor it would be beneficial to venture into it.