True, Compared to the other main forecasting techniques, market-based forecasting of exchange rates has proven to be more reliable and consistent.
What is Market-based forecasting?
By utilising a wide range of data that describe the nature of demand within the organization's service area, market-based demand forecasting is a technique for estimating future demand for a healthcare organization's services. The primary and secondary service areas, population breakdowns by various demographic categories, discharge utilisation rates, market size, and market share by service line and overall are just a few examples of the information we're talking about. Strategic planners can develop scenarios describing potential future demand based on observable market dynamics and a variety of explicit assumptions about future trends. Then, financial planners can assess every scenario to see how it might affect particular financial and operational metrics, like operating margin, days with cash on hand, as well as debt-service coverage, and create a strategic financial plan that accounts for a variety of contingencies.
To learn more about Market-based forecasting
The marginal cost of producing the 25th speedboat is 18,575.
Note that the given Leisure Enterprise’s total cost (TC) of producing speedboats is correctly stated as follows:
TC = 10Q^3 - 4Q^2 + 25^Q + 500 …….………….. (1)
Where Q represents the quantity of speedboats produced.
To obtain the marginal cost (MC) of producing speedboats, equation (1) is differentiated with respect to Q as follows:
MC = dTC/dQ = 30Q^2 - 8Q + 25 ………………… (2)
Finding the marginal cost (MC) of producing the 25th speedboat implies that Q = 25.
Substituting Q = 25 into equation (2), we have:
MC = (30 * 25^2) - (8 * 25) + 25 = 18,575
Therefore, the marginal cost of producing the 25th speedboat is 18,575.
It most likely lead to prior hypothesis, reasoning by analogy, representative, ivory tower planning , and escalating commitment. :)
In season January through November.