Insecurely attached infants who are left my their mothers in an unfamiliar setting often will Hold fast in their mothers in their return.
A. Hold fast in their mothers in their return
It is in the conscience of the infants to have the company of their parents no matter the place or time and do not generally like to be left alone. Moreover, the questions says, insecurely attached infants which further add up to this behavior.
The infant would not explore the surroundings due to lack of confidence in an unfamiliar setting. They would rather be uncomfortable and most probably weep the time until their mother arrives and hold fast on to them on their return.
It may have been a songlyrics
True, in order for the text color to be changed you have to select the entire text. If no text is selected one of two things will happen; either nothing will happen at all, or the next wors you type will be a different color.
You didn't include the original function, but the new function will contain something like:
function kelvin_to_celsius(k)
return k - 273.15;
Depending of course on your programming language.
The outcome for negative Kelvin is undefined, you could test for that.