In view of this america is best defines as a pluralistic society. It discusses to a society and a system of government that has not the same groups that retain their identities while existing with other groups or more dominant group. Pluralism distinguishes a large number of challenging interest groups that share the power and work as a model of democracy where different groups can voice their judgement and thoughts.
<h2>I'm fine just let me know when you are welcome</h2>
. The European. Theater during. World War II. 12. MC. B. US.4.6 Examine the causes of ... MS A, E US.4.9 Analyze the major events, turning points, ... United States gained new colonies and territories, including the Philippines, following.
Make laws and other legislation, formally declare war, and begin impeachment processes, among other functions.
Please let me knwo if you have any other questions. Hope this helps!