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<span>Rachel and matt are in their first year of middle school. statistically, one would expect their academic achievement to "decline".
Student performance is identified with inspiration to learn. As inspiration for the most part decays amid lower secondary education, one may anticipate that execution will decrease too during this period. However, it has been misty whether this example exists. In the present examination, we inspected student performance amid the early years of secondary education from a formative point of view.
Answer: Construct validity
Construct validity is the degree to which a test is done to measure what it claims. Construct validity defines how well the test or experiment actually measures its claims and whether the operational definition of the variable reflect the true theoretical meaning of the concept being illustrated.
The psychologist develops a questionnaire that is designed to study the variable of self-esteem and then conducts different studies to investigate the differences between people who had low scores on sled esteem and the people who had high score on self esteem. The reason for this was to get an accurate method of measuring self esteem. This means the psychologist wants to establish construct validity.
The correct answer is letter A
On the morning of January 24, 1848, carpenter James Wilson Marshall and his staff worked on the construction of a sawmill at John Sutter's ranch in the Sierra Nevada region of central California. Marshall had to bypass a stream to install the saw, moved by the force of the water. When he looked at the muddy bed of the Americans' river, something caught his eye: there was something shining there in the sunlight. It was gold.
The gold that flowed in California was generous. In the first months after the discovery, it was possible to collect the nuggets directly from the soil. Just crouch and pick it up. The precious metal was found in riverbeds and in ravines that flow. Mexican Antonio Franco Coronel, for example, left the job of teaching in Los Angeles and in three days of mining collected 4.2 kg of gold.