Using the computational knowledge in python it is possible to write a code that Given a name and a Python list of Cow objects
<h3>Writting the code in python:</h3>
<em>def load_cows(filename):</em>
<em> cow_dict = dict()</em>
<em> f = open(filename, 'r')</em>
<em> </em>
<em> for line in f:</em>
<em> line_data = line.split(',')</em>
<em> cow_dict[line_data[0]] = int(line_data[1])</em>
<em> return cow_dict</em>
<em>def greedy_cow_transport(cows, limit=10):</em>
<em> trips = []</em>
<em> cowsCopy = cows.copy()</em>
<em> sortedCows = sorted(cowsCopy.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)</em>
<em> while sum(cowsCopy.values()) > 0:</em>
<em> ship = []</em>
<em> total = 0</em>
<em> for cow, value in sortedCows:</em>
<em> if cowsCopy[cow] != 0 and value + total <= limit:</em>
<em> ship.append(cow)</em>
<em> total += value</em>
<em> cowsCopy[cow] = 0</em>
<em> trips.append(ship)</em>
<em> return trips</em>
<em>def brute_force_cow_transport(cows,limit=10):</em>
<em> trips = []</em>
<em> possibilities = []</em>
<em> for i in power_list:</em>
<em> ship = []</em>
<em> for j in i:</em>
<em> ship_weights = []</em>
<em> for k in j:</em>
<em> ship_weights.append(cows[k])</em>
<em> #print(ship_weights)</em>
<em> ship.append(sum(ship_weights))</em>
<em> #print(ship)</em>
<em> if all(d <= limit for d in ship):</em>
<em> possibilities.append(i)</em>
<em> pruned_possibilities = []</em>
<em> for k in possibilities:</em>
<em> if k not in pruned_possibilities:</em>
<em> pruned_possibilities.append(k)</em>
<em> # now find the minimum list length:</em>
<em> min_list_len = min(map(len, pruned_possibilities))</em>
<em> for l in pruned_possibilities:</em>
<em> if len(l) == min_list_len:</em>
<em> return l</em>
<em> </em>
<em>def compare_cow_transport_algorithms():</em>
<em> greedy_start = time.time()</em>
<em> greedy_results = greedy_cow_transport(cows, limit = 10)</em>
<em> greedy_end = time.time()</em>
<em> print('Greedy Algorithm time:', greedy_end -greedy_start)</em>
<em> brute_force_start = time.time()</em>
<em> brute_force_results = brute_force_cow_transport(cows, limit = 10)</em>
<em> brute_force_end = time.time()</em>
<em> print('Brute force time:', brute_force_end - brute_force_start)</em>
<em> print('Greedy Algorithm results:', greedy_results)</em>
<em> print('Number of trips returned by Greedy Algorithm:', len(greedy_results))</em>
<em> print('Brute Force Algorithm results:', brute_force_results)</em>
<em> print('Number of trips returned by Brute Force Algorithm:', len(brute_force_results))</em>
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