B. With. Width isn't a boolean comparative operator
The answer is "Option c"
The W3C is the framework for the creation of software and the online standards through which sites and webpages work, and to turn into an authoritative source of information, she will work towards getting a reliable and credible source of knowledge from the "World Wide Web Consortium", and the wrong option can be described as follows:
- In option a, It is wrong because this organization prepares and publishes all the electronic technologies.
- In option b, It is wrong because it is the laboratory of physics, which is not useful in web development.
- In option d, This technology is used in TCP/IP protocol, that's why it is incorrect.
Stick to concrete nouns
The best technique to improve the web search result is that search with the help of keywords. These keywords help in searching the required results from search engines.
The keywords are actually nouns. Noun is name of object, place or person. So by using nouns we can search out required results.
For example
If we want to search about some persons bibliography, we use his name in our search. His name is an example of noun.
It refer to the discussion or analysis of event like here disaster why it doesn't work like plan based and through whole discussions what we learn so in future avoid such type of issue or mistakes.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool Greater(int x) { return x>3; } int main() { list<int>l; /*Declare the list of integers*/ l.push_back(5); l.push_back(6); /*Insert 5 and 6 at the end of list*/ l.push_front(1); l.push_front(2); /*Insert 1 and 2 in front of the list*/ list<int>::iterator it = l.begin(); advance(it, 2); l.insert(it, 4); /*Insert 4 at position 3*/ for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " "; /*Display the list*/ cout<<endl; l.erase(it); /*Delete the element 4 inserted at position 3*/ for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " "; /*Display the list*/ cout<<endl;
l.remove_if(Greater); for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " ";
/*Display the list*/
cout<<endl; return 0;