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Establishing Shots are critical in a film. They clue the viewer where this next scene is about to take place. Each time the location of a scene shifts, a new establishing shot does exactly; what its name implies: it establishes where the story will now continue, and fiction writers need to do the same thing.
Line of sight wireless
Line of sight wireless are wireless which enable antenna to sends and receives a microwave signal to the ISP's antenna
By standing between the mounted antenna at client building so that the other side of the wireless connection you intend to create can be visible.
Line of Sight wireless also provide electro-magnetic radio waves that tends to be less affected by external forces leading to better connection reliability because all wireless networks excel only with true line of sight that is why it is always advisable that the antennas are mounted above the tree line, to ensure proper connections without obstacles between them since
Line of sight depend on having a clear line of sight between the antenna and the hotspot .
Inaccurate and misleading
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