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Some variable naming conventions include;
1) Variable should begin with either a letter or an underscore.
2) Variables having multiple words should have the first letter of every word after the first word, capitalized. This is the camelCase style.
3) variables should not be named after any of the inbuilt keywords except on special operations to override the original function of such keyword.
4) variable names are case-sensitive.
The importance of following these conventions is to maintain readability and consistency of code. Failure to follow these conventions may lead to chaotic codes, bugs and inefficient performance.
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There are very few similarities beyond some convergent features of their respective user interfaces. Their internal architecture is very different, differing from kernel models to shell integration to executable formats. A comprehensive list of similarities is neither possible nor useful, because it would consist mostly of obvious statements like "They are both operating systems" or "They both have graphical user interfaces, "They both include
How's that?
Because of the contract that you have agreed to when joining the work force. Which is different from the private sector.
This code will print: 4
Following is the step-by-step explanation for the given code:
- Given is the array of data type double named myList, it has entries, 1, 5, 5, 5,5, 1:
double[] myList = {1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1};
- Now the first element of the array (1) with index 0 will be stored in the variable max (data type double).
double max = myList[0];
- A variable indexOfMax having datatype int will be initiated as 0.
int indexOfMax = 0;
- Now for loop will be used to find the maximum number of the array. The variable i will be put as index for each element to compare with first element. If the checked element is greater than or equal to the integer in max, it will be replaced. So at the end the variable max will have value 5 that will be at index i = 4.
for (int i = 1; i < myList.length; i++)
{ if (myList[i] >= max)
{ max = myList[i];
- Now the variable i that is the index for max value will be stored in the variable indexOfMax (indexOfMax = 4).
indexOfMax = i; }}
- At end the value stored in variable indexOfMax will be printed, so 4 will be printed as output.
i hope it will help you!