Meursault expect nothing much from prison cell
Meursault expect nothing much from prison cell.
Meursault's cell room was very Small and also too much dirty.
Meursault's cell provide him clear view of ocean.
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-use hanging indents
<em>This means that all the lines of the entry are indented except the first line. </em>
-listed alphabetically
<em>This should be done according to the first item that appears in the works cited; it is usually the author's last name or the first word of an article's title. </em>
-include medium of publication
<em>Medium of publication refers to where one finds the source (example: web, book, magazine, etc) </em>
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1. Were performed by men wearing masks - expressionism.
2. Allegories representing vices and virtues - morality plays.
3. Based on the life of one of the saints - miracle plays.
4. Early secular plays - Greek plays.
5. Presented stories from the Bible - mystery plays.
6. Presenting life as the playwright saw it, rather than as he would like it to be - realism.
7. Using concrete things to represent abstract ideas - symbolism.
8. Led to the use of scrims and whirling stage platforms. - Roman plays.
9. Commercial theater presenting short-run, low-budget plays. - Legitimate theater.
10. A group of actors presenting a variety of plays - repertory plays.