The US government influences the economy by sending out economic relief
Inability to clearly demonstrate small cystic structures
Hello! It is necessary for the study of skin to use a linear, high frequency and broadband transducers. If it is linear serves to avoid the geometric deformation of the surface planes and improve the proximal resolution, otherwise it will not be seen good results.
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I've worked in fastfood resturaunts, even though most had 4-5, you could easily feel like a puppet.
In the given context Anderson used participation observation research method.
Option: C
In a properly designed research methods several steps are included like peer group research, interactive research, secondary analysis, interview method, participation observation and field survey method. In peer group research researcher divide the whole population in a convenient number of group then carry forward the research.
In participation observation method researcher go to observe a thing, test it, and draw the final conclusion about it and for that purpose if he wish he can take other participant's help also. In field survey technique sampling method is followed.