Water plants will absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and some plants will also absorb ammonia (as a source of nitrogen for growth). Aquatic animals like fish and snails absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide directly into water through specialized structures like gills.
Vacuoles are essentially sacs surrounded by a membrane. They are used by cells as temporary storage sites. They often store food, enzymes, and other materials needed by the cell, and some vacuoles store waste products.
The diagram shows a picture of a plant cell. Plants produce most of their energy through photosynthesis. The arrows also show the major reactants and products of photosynthesis.
According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole. The matter the black hole attracts doesn't collapse into a single point, as has been predicted, but rather gushes out a "white hole" at the other end of the black one, the theory goes.
It may diminish the water supply because not as much water is being added.