<span>The two key qualities a group should have in order to classified it as a society might be culture and territory. So then, the study of sociology is to discover social principles and social reforms. People are tied to their social group that is why , one can talk about social integration within a determined group of people. <span>
It is an Evasion Plan of Action.
An Evasion Plan of Action also known as EPA is a plan widely used by the armed forces or any other institution that establishes direct combat missions.
This plan allows evasion strategies to be established promoting the institution to have a successful recovery, given its status within the conflict. All this through the collection of precious information about the conflict that allows the combat team to increase their strategies and establish a predictability of what may happen during the conflict.
The typical inmate in prison in the United States is male, from a minority group, is a drug addict or mentally ill, poor and probably had a difficult/abusive upbringing or comes from a dysfunctional family background.
<em>Male inmates</em> make up 90% of the total jail population, but the female jail population has grown at a faster pace then the male in the recent years. African Americans are the largest ethnic group in jails, followed by Whites, Hispanics and other races.
Over the half of jail inmates await court action on their current charges, the rest is serving their sentence.The percentage of inmates in private jails is small, about 2,3 % but nevertheless growing all the time.
Almost 10,000 inmates a year are under eighteen , 90% of them convicted.
Answer: differential association.
Differential association is the frequency and closeness of associations a person has with deviant and nondeviant individuals.
Differentiatial association is referred to as a theory that implies that individuals learn deviant and criminal behavior through their close association with criminal behavior values or patterns.
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