Gold Rush
Because a lot of people where coming to California at this time to become rich during the Gold Rush, so as a result people need places to stay and live at this time so it became a boom town.
Short-term stress
Stress affect memory in several ways and it can reduce or enhance it.
Short term stress has both advantage and disadvantage to the body. It is usually short in nature.
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson
- Lee regarded Jackson as his "right arm."
- Jackson earned his nickname in the First Battle of Bull Run
- Jackson was fatally shot by one of his own men (who mistaken him as the enemy) - at the Battle of Chancellorsville - and had his arm amputated.
- Lee sent a letter to Jackson, writing, “Could I have directed events, I would have chosen for the good of the country to be disabled in your stead."
The correct answer is doxology.
Doxology is a word which comes from Greek - doxa means glory and logia means saying, so this is a type of a hymn written and sang in praise to God. Cozzolani refers to Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, a Baroque composer who created this musical piece, Magnificat.
Signs of aging for women in their 40s include wrinkled and dry skin (due to loss of elasticity and volume), a bigger midsection (due to a slower metabolism), and gray hair (as the production of melanin-making cells - the cells that give pigment to hair - slows).