Repeated all the time and sometimes writ it down to help remember it
Small cliffs, hills, beaches, lakes and streams are the landforms that cover long island.
The would want to gain independence if a certain type feels they have no voice, or are having to many/to strict of rules. The problems would be, creating new rules, new currency, new protection etc.
b) remains
"Remains" is the grammatically correct word to occupy the white space shown in the question above.
That's because that word is related to the word "Optimism", which represents the pronoun "it" in that sentence. As we know, when using the pronouns "he, she, it" we must conjugate the verbs. The correct form of "remain" is "remains".
Jane Zhang The Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptians enjoyed many natural barriers. To the west is the Sahara, the hottest desert in the world. To the east is the Eastern Desert. To the far south, the Nile's dangerous cataracts blocked their enemies. And in the north, the delta marshes offered no harbors for the invaders.
<span>The Egyptians were not completely closed to the outside world. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea allowed them to trade with others. Geography The Nile River is about 4,160 miles in length and is the longest river in the world. </span>
<span>The ancient Egyptians settled along the Nile River and created the Nile River Valley.</span>