<span>The answer to this question would be Receipt of breach notice.
In case of a data breach, the provider of the healtcare should inform the patient about what information breached and who might breach it. The provider that failed to do this can get some punishment like locking the electronic system.</span>
Its a sex linked disorder and it makes stopping the bleeding slower in affected individuals.
Hemophilia is a sex linked recessive disorder which occurs due to a gene present in the X chromosome. The presence of this gene in males surely make the individual hemophilic because the Y chromosome doesn't contain any dominant factor of this gene. In females, the recessive individuals become carriers without expression of this gene. Only the dominant individuals in females expresses Hemophilia.
Its a disease where the Christmas factor (Factor IX) or the antihemophilic factor(Factor VIII) is absent in the affected individual. This makes the cascade theory incomplete and there's a defect in blood clotting in both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Thus the persons if starts bleeding, loses a lot of blood before coming to a stability.
We have -
Mountain lion
Therefore this food is transported to other parts of the plant through a kind of tubes called phloem.