Membrane proteins may extend partway into the plasma membrane and cross the membrane entirely or be loosely attached to its inside or outside face
Analogous structures
Analogous structures are similar structures that evolved independently in two living organisms to serve the same purpose.
Analogous structures are examples of convergent evolution, where two organisms separately have to solve the same evolutionary problem – such as staying hidden, flying, swimming, or conserving water – in similar ways. The result is similar body structures that developed independently.
In the case of analogous structures, the structures are not the same, and were not inherited from the same ancestor. But they look similar and serve a similar purpose.
For example, the wings of an insect, bird, and bat would all be analogous structures: they all evolved to allow flight, but they did not evolve at the same time, since insects, birds, and mammals all evolved the ability to fly at different times.
only about 3% because all of the other water would have to be filtered incorrect to be safe to drink so the student was incorrect in saying that there was water directly for humans to drink
In A and B we see the number of phenotypes that can be found, in a case of polygenic inheritance, depends on the number of allele pairs involved
<h3>Genetic distance</h3>
The knowledge of the genetic distance between genotypes of a population of interest is important for a breeding program, as it allows the organization of germplasm and a more efficient sampling of genotypes.
The normal distribution is a very useful model in statistics, and it would not come as a surprise as the sum of independent effects (or not very correlated effects) should, if there were many of them, normally distribute (always subject to certain assumptions).
With this information we can conclude that in graph <u>A</u> we see a higher frequency of medium-sized individuals, showing zygosity, and in <u>B</u>, <u>heterozygosity</u>.
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