Productivity Growth = 6.1%
Productivity Growth = Current Productivity - Previous Productivity/ Previous Productivity
Productivity Growth = 35-33/33=2/33= 0.0606 or 0.061*100= 6.1%
Productivity Ratio = Output/ Input
Labor Productivity= No of Units/ No of Employees
A preferable approach to productivity measurement is to record multiple physical measures that capture the most important determinants of a company's productivity.
a. A temporary increase in government purchases would result in a reduction in savings, which would, in turn, lead to the implementation of higher taxes by the government so as to match prices and wages.
This would: make output to remain unchanged, real interest to increase and current price level to increase as well.
b. A reduction in expected inflation would lead to an increment in the demand for real money, as people do not expect inflation to increase for a while. Thus, more demand creates a reduction in the price level. Everything else remains unchanged. This would: make output remain unchanged, real interest remain unchanged and the current price level to decrease.
C. A temporary increase in labor supply would make more people have jobs and therefore more people can save. If more people save the interest rates are liable to decrease therefore money demand will increase. This would: make output to increase, real interest to decline and current price level to decrease.
d. An increase in the interest rate paid on money will lead to a higher demand for money. With an unchanged nominal money supply and higher money demand, the price would decline but everything remains unchanged. This would make: output remain unchanged, real interest remains unchanged and the current price level decrease.
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In law, common law (also known as judicial precedent or judge-made law, or case law) is the body of law created by judges and similar quasi-judicial tribunals by virtue of being stated in written opinions. The defining characteristic of “common law” is that it arises as precedent.
Variety of sales jobs: There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of different types of sales positions. Almost every good or service you know of has a salesperson who sells it to one or more people.
Types of sales jobs:
-Retail sales person. Sells goods or services to consumers for their personal use.
-Wholesale sales person. Buys products from manufactures and sell to other organizations.
-Manufacturer’s sales representative, typically sell directly to wholesalers or retailers.
-Order taker: usually will ask the customer what he/she wants or wait for the customer to order. They do NOT have a sales strategy and often use no sales presentation. Example: think of a waiter.
-Order getter: get new and repeat business using creative sales strategies and a well-executed sales presentation.