The correct answers are:
The two strands of the DNA are "assembled" to each other such as the end of the DNA strand will be 3' paired with a 5' end.
The two strands of the DNA are held together with "hydrogen" bonds.
In DNA, A binds with "T" and G binds with "C".
"DNA helicase" unwinds the DNA for replication to begin.
An RNA primer is created by enzyme "primase" which then supplies the "3′" hydroxyl group used by "DNA polymerase" to start adding DNA nucleotides.
The DNA strand is made from "5'" to "3'".
The "lagging" strand is made in short segments called okazaki fragments. The "leading" strand is made in one continuous piece.
After replication, the RNA primers are removed by enzyme "RNase H" and replaced with DNA nucleotides.
The enzyme "DNA ligase" seals the nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone after the RNA primers are removed.
On linear chromosomes the enzyme "telomerase" extends the ends by creating a repeating sequence of nucleotides which helps prevent loss of genetic material with each replication.
The two strands of the DNA are "assembled" to each other such as the end of the DNA strand will be 3' paired with a 5' end. - The double helix structure of DNA is assembled following a 3' paired with a 5' end, this is called an antiparallel arrangement which gives more stability to the DNA.
The two strands of the DNA are held together with "hydrogen" bonds. - This are weak bonds, however since they are numerous hydrogen bonds in DNA, they hold together the structure.
In DNA, A binds with "T" and G binds with "C". - This is called the base pairing rule or the Chargaff's rule.
"DNA helicase" unwinds the DNA for replication to begin. - DNA helicase catalyze the breaking down of the hydrogen bonds of the center of the strand.
An RNA primer is created by enzyme "primase" which then supplies the "3′" hydroxyl group used by "DNA polymerase" to start adding DNA nucleotides. - Primase catalyzes the synthesis of a RNA primer, a small sequence of RNA that marks the begging of the polymerization.
The DNA strand is made from "5'" to "3'". - DNA polymerase needs the 3′ hydroxyl group to start adding DNA nucleotides, adding nucleotides from its 5′ group.
The "lagging" strand is made in short segments called okazaki fragments. The "leading" strand is made in one continuous piece. - The leading strand is synthesized from 5' to 3', therefore the polymerization occurs continuously. The lagging strand is backwards, therefore okazaki fragments must be added.
After replication, the RNA primers are removed by enzyme "RNase H" and replaced with DNA nucleotides. - RNase H is an endogenous hydrolase, it catalyzes the removal of the RNA primers while DNA polymerase I fill the blanks with DNA.
The enzyme "DNA ligase" seals the nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone after the RNA primers are removed. - As the name implies, DNA ligase facilitates the joining of DNA strands, such as the ones formed where the RNA primers where before.
On linear chromosomes the enzyme "telomerase" extends the ends by creating a repeating sequence of nucleotides which helps prevent loss of genetic material with each replication. - Telomerase, also known as terminal transferase, adds the repeating sequences (telomeres) in eukaryotic cells.