The estimated cost of first time DUI roughly around $1,000 dollars once the potential cost are factored in. The potential cost of a contract is the sum of all the estimated and actual cost of all the fees and reimbursable expenses associated with contact.
The correct answer is A) Have more debt than they can pay because there are laws, generally by the state, that limit when people can file for bankruptcy. You are not allowed to file for bankruptcy unless you are unable to afford your debts. Choices B, C, and D, along with being illegal, are also unethical, especially in terms of business.
c. criterion deficiency
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario it seems that the performance management system suffers from Criterion deficiency. This term refers to a company failing to assess one or more very important aspects of the process of job performance appraisal for employees within the company. Such as is the case in this scenario as the company is only looking at the sales revenue and completely ignoring all of the other important factors.
Lack of competition
A centrally planned economy lack competitiveness. The government decides what to produce, the price, and the distribution channel. Because of these restrictions, there is no motivation for profits. Without competition, a centrally planned economy will have the following features.
- There be a lot of inefficiency and wastefulness.
- Consumers will not have a variety of goods and services to choose from in the markets.
- Businesses will make low profits.
Answer: Cost of Goods sold
Common size analysis refers to making all entries in the income statement, a percentage of sales for that year.
Current Year Prior Year
Sales 100% 100%
Cost of Goods sold 75.7% 46.5%
Gross Profit 24.3% 53.5%
Operating expenses 17.3% 35%
Net Income 7.0% 18.5%
<em>Looking at the percentages above, one can see that the COGS increased the most from the previous year by going from 46.5% to 75.7% representing an increase of 29.2%.</em>
<em>This had the most impact on Net income as it substantially reduced Gross profit. </em>