B because it’s it’s exterded by weight because wind dosent have weight it dosent move air pressure does
parasitic plant = A parasitic plant is one that survives at the expense of another, often living and growing on and over the host plant, while siphoning off the other plant’s nutrients and water, and sometimes blocking access to sunlight.
insecticide plant = Insecticide, any toxic substance that is used to kill insects. Such substances are used primarily to control pests that infest cultivated plants or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas. insecticide application. A farmer sprays insectides in a rice paddy in Japan.
A hematocrit value of your blood would be greater than normal because of dehydration.
The hematocrit value is an indicator of the proportion of the solid components of blood (red blood cells) with respect to the liquid component (it means plasma). When you are severely dehydrated, the proportion of plasma diminish while the solid components remain the same. In consequence, the red blood cells concentration will be greater and the hematocrit value (solid components/plasma) will be higher than normal. This condition is reversible, if you drink enough water, your hematrocrit values will be normal again.
A. The population continues to grow