Just as organs are separate body parts that perform certain functions in the human body, organelles are microscopic sub-units that perform specific functions within individual cells. Organelles are specialized structures that perform various jobs inside cells. Cells often contain hundreds of mitochondria
- Cardiac output = defined as the amount of blood that comes out with each ventricular contraction in a minute. Normally in a healthy and young person it is 4.5 L / min.
- Heart rate = It is the amount of heartbeats in a minute. Normally it goes between 60 to 100 contractions per minute.
- Stroke Volume = It is the amount of blood ejected from the heart to the aorta and to the pulmonary artery in each contraction.
Forensic investigations come to sex determination for personal identification . A comparative reliable sex determination analysis approach should be DNA-based rather than to use other conventional methods of sex determination analysis. The real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has however become legally acceptable and because it is accurate and its result are reproducible. But still there are knotty situations like what chimerism present in that here an individual possess both male and female specific factors together in their body. Some sex determination analysis most times give a wrong lead and result.
If the criminal is chimeral having two blood groups.
Treatment consists of self care and bronchodilators
Asthma can usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms (albuterol) and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms (steroids). Severe cases may require longer-acting inhalers that keep the airways open (formoterol, salmeterol, tiotropium), as well as oral steroids.
Bronchodilator, Steroid, and Anti-inflammatory
Quitting smoking
Supportive care
Oxygen therapy
Tbh I don’t think there is a cure, just use inhalers
make sure she is not double dosing or if the medicine has any adverse reactions to one another