A reason is because when it floods it waters all their plants and it's one of their only water sources :)
No hablo español muy bien, pero el segundo gran despertar ayudó a cambiar la forma en que la mayoría de la gente veía el mundo. Antes del segundo gran despertar, la gente aceptaba que el rey era simplemente un rey por derecho de Dios. pero el despertar les hizo cuestionar esto.
Espero que esto ayude, amigo! intenté mi mejor jajaja!
Kennedy’s reading makes the message of the declaration of independence clear because of its relevance to the nation's policies home and abroad.
It is an interesting recording which was broadcast on radio on 4 July 1957. It is almost difficult to listening it to without completing it. The voice of Kennedy is strong, articulate, and climate-friendly. This recording was made by John F. Kennedy when he was a Senator and he decided to read the nation's founding document in its totality in celebration of America's birthday. The most attractive thing was that he linked it with policies and situations of the country prevailing at that time.
The Japanese truly believed that America was going to attack them, so out of paranoia, they decided to attack first. Pearl Harbor had the airrafts and ships that would be used in war, so it was a perfect target for them because it would give them more time to prepare themselves against America. Unfortunetly for Japan, America was able to mass produce its aircrafts and ships and managed to quickly replace all the damaged vehicles.
I hope this helps.
The Tang Dynasty, which ruled China from 618 to 907 CE, conquered Vietnam, and made it the southernmost province of China.
Vietnam, up until that point, had been a problematic place for China, even it it was much smaller. The Tang Dynasty was able to conquer the area, and integrate into the central bureacuracy of the Empire, this is why they began to referred to Vietnam as the "pacified south".