Have a great day, Here is the answer to your question:
It will take around 18 seconds
So in principle 1GB of data to be uploaded running at peak speed is suggested to take around 18 seconds but in fact, DCD test results show USB 2.0 takes 3 minutes 18 seconds to complete a 1GB switch. Whereas USB 3.0 can accommodate up to 5gbps of data transferred-more than 10 times faster than its predecessor.
A centralized database (sometimes abbreviated CDB) is a database that is located, stored, and maintained in a single location.
import java.lang.Object
import java.lang.Math
public class RegularPolygon extends java.lang.Object{
public void randomize(RegularPolygon c){
int min = 10, max1 = 20;
double min1 = 5, max1 = 12;
double range = (max - min) + 1;
double range1 = (max1 -min1) + 1
int side = (Math.random() * range) + min;
double len = (Math.random() * range1) + min1;
c.setSideLength( len);
public static void main(String[] args) {
RegularPolygon r = new RegularPloygon();
The randomize method accepts a regular polygon class as its only parameter and assigns a random number of sides and the length of these sides with the 'Math.random' function.
Answer= background
Appearance of the laptop is called theme, it is also related to background