This is true since water is a physiological need for human life
Six, same.
Thyroid hormone includes the triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These hormones regulate the metabolism and temperature of the body. The irregular secretion of these hormones causes weakness, fatigue and hair loss.
The iodine molecule is important for the necessary of thyroid hormone. The six molecules of sodium moves via the secondary transport for the production of triidothyronine. The iodine and sodium ions move in the same direction in the cell.
Thus, the answer is six and same.
Kyphosis is a spinal disorder common in some individual due to the nature orf the development of their spinal cords. This disorder led to the abnormal rounding of the upper back resulting in a severe curve called hunchback when the condition happens to be severe. The following below are the signs and symptoms of kyphosis:
hunched back
tight hips
weak shoulders
weak abs
rounded shoulders
excessive back arch