Absolute value means ignore negative signs, so #38 is asking is 282 greater or less than 279. it's greater. #39 is negative of |-10| the absolute value signs work as parentheses too, so it's -(10) so -10
Find the median of this data
21+23+60+60+50+54+54+59+26+15+43+15=480/ 12 = 40
Now the median should be 50 so take 50 - 40 = 10
The missing number from the data is 10
I guess you want the missing angle.
The missing angle is 83
Step-by-step explanation:
We are told that n = 3m + 6. Substitutte 3m + 6 for n in the second equation, obtaining:
(3m + 6) - 2m = 2, or 3m + 6 - 2m = 2.
Combining like terms yields
m = -4.
Knowing that m = -4 allows us to calculate n. Use the first equation, n = 3m + 6, for this purpose: n = 3(2) + 6 = 12.
Thus, the solution is (2, 12).
S is -2,-3 r -3,-4 R 0,-5
Step-by-step explanation:
is the reflection points :)