During the maintenance stage of the transtheoretical model, a person continues the new behavior for up to <u>5 </u>years.
The transtheoretical model of behavior change is an integrative theory of therapy that assesses an individual's readiness to act on new healthier behavior and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual.
The transtheoretical model for change proposes that people transition through defined stages in the process of altering problematic behavior patterns.
"According to the <u>sociocultural and behavioral</u> psychological perspective, the factors that control behavior are in the external environment (such as consequences) not within the person."
There are different factors which tempts the living being or mainly the human beings to act in a more specific way or manner. As, there can be different external forces which makes a person to react in a given manner as per his or her perceptions. These terms also explains the whole sequence of behaviors of an organism inside the space or region.