Michelle Howard was the U.S. Vice Chief of Naval Operations and the <em>commander of U.S. Naval Forces around the world</em> simultaneously serving at Africa, Europe, and <em>commander of Allied Joint Forces</em> at Naples; and earning the <em>Legion of Merit</em>, <em>The Navy Distinguished Service Medal</em>, <em>the Meritorious Service Medal, The NAACP Image Award/Chairman's Award, The Commendation Medal, The Achievement Medal, The Defense Superior Service Medal</em>.
M.Howard was the 1st woman to become a U.S. Navy 4 star Admiral when she became Vice Chief of Naval Operations in 2014.
*The first female nominee for president for a major party was Hillary Clinton, and the first female justice on the US Supreme Court was Sandra Day O'Connor.
It says this on the post quiz Quizlet so it's the answer
the difference between fundamental and derived unit are:
fundamental unit: it does not depend upon other unit. ex- length, mass, time, temperature etc. They are not formed from other units.
derived unit: it depends upon other physical quantities. ex- m2(square)or sq.m.It is formed from the combination of two.or more fundamental units
This paper provides a review of the literature on the development impact of migration and remittances on origin countries and on destination countries in the South. International migration is an ever-growing phenomenon that has important development implications for both sending and receiving countries. For a sending country, migration and the resulting remittances lead to increased incomes and poverty reduction, and improved health and educational outcomes, and promote economic development. Yet these gains might come at substantial social costs to the migrants and their families. Since many developing countries are also large recipients of international migrants, they face challenges of integration of immigrants, job competition between migrant and native workers, and fiscal costs associated with provision of social services to the migrants. This paper also summarizes incipient discussions on the impacts of migration on climate change, democratic values, demographics, national identity, and security. In conclusion, the paper highlights a few policy recommendations calling for better integration of migration in development policies in the South and the North, improving data collection on migration and remittance flows, leveraging remittances for improving access to finance of recipient households and countries, improving recruitment mechanisms, and facilitating international labor mobility through safe and legal channels.
I think this help you
It signaled to those powers that the United States would take a larger role in world affairs than before
Open Door policy was initiated by Hay at the end of the 19th century. It addressed the protection of equal privileges and priorities among the countries that traded with China. Being an imperative economic player, Hay thought that China must remain open for equal trade without prioritizing power between states.Hay simply proposed a free market which gave free trading access to foreign merchants that operated in China. He believed that this policy would prevent disputes which threatened state integrity and benefit the US economy as well, resulting in a win-win situation for everyone. He also suggested the Chinese should collect the tariffs from the market