Answer:Whether it is heterotrophic -would most likely indicate that the new organism is an animal.
Spearman believed that people who are intelligent in maths are usually not intelligent in verbal skills
While Thurstone believed that people who are intelligent in one Areas are usually intelligent in all areas.
My believe aligns with Spearman in that people who are intelligent with mathematics are usually not intelligent with verbal skills, mathematical skill involved being analytical , manipulative and while verbal skill deals with how you approach words, comprehend meanings. So one might be very analytical with very good approach to problem solving but might not be really good at putting words together and making substantial meaning out of it.
The second oldest American college is Harvard.
Jeremy's behavior is under pretty tight stimulus control.
Stimulus control refers to the fact that an individual will behave one way when presented with a particular stimulus, and behave completely differently when that stimulus is absent. In Jeremy's case, he avoids any interaction with that German shepherd, but he is not afraid of dogs in general.
Land was granted based on members of the household including servants and enslaved people