<em><u>Question 1 </u></em>- The unconscious is the deepest part of the human mind, where there are your fears, struggles, and your personality. It's what you can't see. According to Freud, the unconscious keeps three circumstances that are responsible for "shape" human being. The Id is the identity, the most primitive characteristic of human mind; the Ego is what make humans sociable creatures, adapting humans to live in society, it seeks to regulate the impulses of the Id while trying to satisfy them in a less immediate and more realistic way; the Superego is a kind of counselor, telling the individual what is morally acceptable, allowing him to live in society.
<em><u>Question 2 - </u></em>Personality changes over time because we are always creating new ideas, learning something new, each day is different from the other, and the world is not something static. We never stop to change and adapt ourselves.
Answer: Scaffolding
Explanation: Scaffolding can be simply defined as an instructional method of teaching where an instructor guides his or her students through a step required to complete a task and as they become efficient, he or she begins to withdraw his influence or involement in the guidance process and only give assistance to them if they really need it.
Mr Reeese guided his students through a concept lesson before withdrawing his involement and gave them a challenging task, he monitored and constantly drop hints to help the new students connect prior learning to the new concept.
Mr Reeese was providing Scaffolding.
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