Corn oil and grape juice are alike and different as both of them provide good amount of calories but exhibit difference in the amount of Vitamin C they provide.
- The percentage of Vitamin C that 100 percent grape juice has is 120 percent DV.
- On the other hand, the percentage of Vitamin C that corn oil has is 0 percent of its total nutrition.
- The amount of calories that are there in 100 grams of grape juice are 60.
- Whereas, the amount of calories in 100 grams of corn oil are 90.
The term that is described above is irregular. This word explains things that are not exactly on point, not in position, this is used when things are not organized. The term regular on the other hand is completely opposite for they are use in defining things that are planned and more organized, things that are point and are in the exact line.
Because they where trying to decide if African Americans where worth a count in population.
Cons is that the person that is paying the wages could be losing money and potentially go out of buisness which would then out all of the buisnesses workers out of work with no income besides the unemployment wage
has property that they can promise to give to the lender if a loan is not paid.