George Washington believed that the United States should have become involved in the rebellion in France in 1789.
Bullying can make the victim less focused on school work.
Bullying can make the victim feel ugly and unwanted.
Bullying can make the victim feel hopeless and they give up on trying.
Bullying can lead to low self image.
Bullying can lead to eating disorders and self harm.
Bullying can lead to the lack of will to live.
Bullying can cause stress to the victim which can lead to headaches and other illnesses.
The geography of Egypt had a significant effect on the development of the Egyptian civilisation. The Nile flowed through Egypt and flooded every year. The floods brought fresh deposits of fertile soil which ancient Egyptian farmers used to develop a prosperous agricultural economy. The Egyptian civilisation grew from the farmer's crops and all aspects of society were connected in some way to agriculture and the inundation.<span>
Option A
It is a direct approach to conflict.
Martha thinks it is better to get angry rather than hide or suppress her feelings, so that her husband knows she really cares about the issue.
What makes option A the best answer, is because she does not want to hide the details from the issue, she prefers to let it out of the bag than keeping it in and it keeps burning until the un-usual happens which is not always the best method to resolve conflicts.
It is direct because she believes its better her husband knows she is angry and then settle the matter than allowing the issue to keep burning inside of her. it is direct because the matter made her angry and she is expressing it other than neglecting it.