That is binary fission, 'cause in this process, chromosome number doubles to it's original value whereas in meiosis it gets halved.
In short, Your Answer would be Option D
Hope this helps!
Color is determined by a sex-linked gene, X gene, so, in order to that, the gene is maternally inherited. When one gene is related to the X chromosome, and one of the alleles is recesive and the other, logically dominant, the first generation will be of a single color, and the second generation will be of the other single color.
Due to sloppy nature of the field.
This problem of rapidly drainage can be solved if the field should leveled because the portion is rapidly drained due to sloppy nature of the field. Sloppy nature of land moves water at the faster rate from higher elevation to lower elevation. We can see in tillage practices, the farmers used levelers in order to level the field in order to provide even resources such as fertilizers and water. So we can say that this problem can be solved if the field will be leveled.
Terrae is defined as a roughly highland or mountainous region on moon with relatively higher brightness (albedo).