Oligarchy comes from the greek word "oligos" which means " a few" and the word "archos" which means "to Govern", so it is a government system where all the power is gathered by a small group of people, usually richest families in the city or country, it isn´t seen as an open democracy because not only they run the destinities of the country but also develop and create the rules, the law, and manage all the system. Back then we also could find that power in the hands of the oldest men in the country who controlled everything and had a lot of economic power.
Horace Mann of Massachusetts (1796– 1859)
The nation's leading educational reformer, led the fight for government support for public schools. As a state legislator, in 1837 Mann took the lead in establishing a state board of education and his efforts resulted in a doubling of state expenditures on education.
The Army needed more people to serve in the Confederate Army as the number of volunteers declined and the number of casualties increased.
The conscription act effectively reduced the minimum age to enter the military to 17 year olds. The confederates states passed this act as a desperate attempt to survive the waves attack from the northern state
At that time, the northern states have advantages in both numbers and military's technologies. So, many people in the southern states felt pessimistic that they could won the civil war. This cause the gradual decrease in the number of volunteers that led to the creation of conscription act.
The main unifying factor for most people who live in Southwest Asia is religion.
A region is the places in the world that share something in common. Southwest Asia is a good example of region as it shares many things in common, especially religion. Many people follow Islam here. A large number are also from same ethnicity, Arab, although there are many other ethnic groups in the area.