As compared with medical conditions such as diabetes and asthma, depressive disorders are <u>equally </u>heritable.
A gene that appears to be prominent in several family members who suffer from depression was discovered by a British research team.
More than 800 families with recurrent depression have the chromosome 3p25-26 identified.
According to scientists, there may be a genetic component to up to 40% of cases of depression. The remaining 60% could be accounted for by environmental and other factors.
Although a person's genetics may point to a potential risk for depression, they cannot always predict whether they will experience this all-too-common mental health illness.
Diabetes and asthma have a 50% chance of passing down to the offspring which is almost equal to depressive disorders.
La respuesta correcta es no. La patología mental afecta a una de cada 4 personas a lo largo de la vida. Cientos de millones de personas tienen algún diagnóstico psiquiátrico ahora mismo en el mundo. La inmensa mayoría de todos ellos nunca ha protagonizado incidentes violentos y nunca lo hará