in my opinion, I wouldn't use any of them, it's only best if you use the book itself. Both the website and the college paper are formed on people's opinions. If this was something that was given to you as a test question, your best bet would be the college paper. The college paper would be filled with Shakespeare's theme and symbolism and some of these themes that he uses are usually not easy to find, especially is your reading the modern version.
ok so she is selling the card for .75 but makes a profit of .35
.75-.35=.4 (what wasn't profit) divid 42 by .4
42/.4=105+42 (have to add in profit portion) =$147 Gross income
In history such as World History? You should be able to distinguish the trends and differences in different periods say "Period 1 vs. Period 2" where each period represents a different range of years (in AP World History I learned it with 6 periods but it varies from year to year of when it is taught)