A purchase agreement is a legally binding contract that states the terms and conditions of purchasing a good/making a sale. This agreement is legally binding for both the purchaser and the seller. The agreement is contingent on being paid back at the date agreed and receiving the items that were intended to be paid for.
A - Value co - creation
Value co - creation is a strategy that promotes and encourages active involvement from the customer to create on-demand and made-to-order products. with this strategy, consumers get exactly what they want and are involved in making it happen. So the Art gallery using such information is clearly using a value - co creation strategy to build loyalty among its customer.
It can be 13 to 62 percent of retail sales.
Farmers grow crops after their day and night of struggle. They earn their livelihood by selling these crops. The transportation cost to commute crops from the farmers land to the retail market. If this transportation cost is minimized the farmers can earn better profit and raise their living standard. Also with better earnings farmers will be able to adopt new technological methods to grow agricultural products.
VRIO Analysis is an analytical technique for the evaluation of company's resources and thus the competitive advantage. VRIO comes from the initials of the evaluation dimensions: Value, Rareness, Imitability, Organization.
A resource is rare simply if it is not widely possessed by other competitors. When a firm has valuable resources that are rare in the industry, they are in a position of competitive advantage over firms that do not have the resource.
Answer: B. Accounts payable.
I think your question isn't well written, I believe it should be "Which of the following is not a capital component when calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for use in capital budgeting"?
The capital component when calculating the weighted average cost of capital for use in capital budgeting include the long-term debt, retained earnings, common stock and the preferred stock.
It should be noted that the account isn't among the options as it does not provide flow of capital.