Cohn gets into a fight with Jake and Mike because he gets so upset with Jake when he disrespects him.
"The Sun Also Rises" is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway. The story is about Jake's love story.
In chapter 17, Robert Cohn gets into a fight with Jake and Mike when Jake disrespects him. When Cohn asks Jake whereabouts of Brett, and Jake replies rudely and disrespects him. Cohn gets hurt when Jake behaves as this Cohn gets into a fight with Jake and Mike. Cohn, who never brings his athletics outside of the ring, gets into a fight with them.
Tom decides that, unloved, he must run away and go into a life of crime. He happens on Joe Harper, who also seems upset: "Plainly, here were 'two souls with but a single thought.'" Chapter 13, pg. 80 Joe has just been whipped by his mother. Tom convinces him they should become pirates. They find Huck and make plans to head for Jackson's Island. They agree to meet at midnight. The rest of the day, they tell no one what they have planned, although they all hint that something is about to happen. At midnight, they take a raft and some fire and go to the island. As they sail down the river, Tom looks at the village and imagines Becky seeing him leave to live a pirate's life.
The boys land on a sandbar at the top of the island and leave the raft. They go into the forest and make a fire and get ready to camp. They eat some food they stole from town, and talk about how great being a pirate is. Huck makes a pipe out of a corncob and smokes. Tom and Joe tell Huck all the things pirates do--capture ships and treasure, kill men, kidnap women, and dress in fancy clothes. Huck is embarrassed at his rags, but Tom and Joe tell him that they will get fancy clothes later. Huck falls asleep quickly. Tom and Joe have more trouble. Although they don't talk, they both feel guilty about running away and stealing, because the Bible commands against it. It is only after they both decide that they won't steal again that they fall asleep.
Dear Diary,
It’s March 29th, and the time is 8:11. As I woke up, my first thought was (name). We had an argument over coffee. It’s embarrassing to think about. Something that small made us get at each other’s throats. It’s been a few days, maybe even a week and we still have spoken to one another! Over coffee! Know you may be wondering what I’m talking about: First we meet at our favorite coffee shop, we find a cute little spot and sit. Next, I tell her I’ll try and order what she usually drinks. So, I come back and give her her coffee. Not even 5 minutes go by and she asks why her coffee tastes different. I tell her what I ordered: Black coffee with milk and sugar. Then she yells at me saying she’s lactose intolerant! How was I supposed to know! I mean sure, it’s my fault she had a bit of diarrhea, but she could’ve told me beforehand. Anyway, I’ve felt bad ever since and I don’t know how to make it up to her. I feel horrible.